Feb 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
#JosephCampbell ’s #Monomyth #HeroesJourney in #17EasySteps! Step 7: the #MeetingWithTheGoddess – the Porcelain Goddess, that is. #art #myth #pencil #artoftheday
Jan 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
“Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth in 17 Easy Steps!” Step 5: Belly of the Whale! Cutting off ties with one’s former world to face the great dangers that lie ahead! Look out Brenda in accounting! . #josephcampbell #monomyth #herosjourney #17easysteps...
Jan 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
It’s “Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth in 17 Easy Steps!” Step 4: Crossing the First Threshold, when our hero takes their first step into the unknown that they must attempt to conquer! …Some unknowns are less “unknown” than others....
Jan 12, 2017 | Uncategorized
It’s time for more of “Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth in 17 Easy Steps!” Today, Step 3: Supernatural Aid! We all need one sometimes. Maybe even every morning. Stay tuned for more of our hero’s journey! ….. #josephcampbell #monomyth...
Jan 4, 2017 | Uncategorized
A little late today due to travel. Here’s the first of Joseph Campbell’s stages of the Monomyth, “The Call to Adventure!” Our intrepid hero is off to a great start. #josephcampbell #monomyth #heroesjourney #17easysteps #mythology...