Thoughts on the ending of Mad Men I finally finished Man Men last night. It’s been a long time putting it off, but quarantines will do this to you. This post is going to be written in a fast and loose style, and will not be about theories about the ending....
Fade in on a small hole-in-the-wall shop. “Fortune Teller, Futures Fortold” reads the sandwich board sign propped up outside the door. A young man walks in, eager but apprehensive. The fortune teller’s dialogue is in italics while the young...
It’s been awhile. I don’t mean to pretend like I ever took blogging here seriously. I figured it was a way to supplement the artwork I had on this site, a place where I could write about films if I ever had ideas worth writing about. And this blog would probably die...
On the 26th of October, the classic / indie / arthouse film screening service (and online home to the Criterion Collection) FilmStruck, to which I have been a subscriber since its creation, stopped taking new subscribers. An article in Variety posted that same day...
To start off this blog, here is a list of my Top 10 Favorite Films. In no way definitive, they are simply films I keep coming back to. This list changes over time, depending on my mood… think of it as a slice of what movies are on my mind right now. #1. Star...